It arrived yesterday. I haven't used it yet, though. Step 1 in the instructions is to charge the headset in its little carrying case charger module.
The instructions say it'll take 2 hours to charge. So I tucked it in, and got a red LED which it is supposed to display until it charges, at which point a blue LED lights up. Well, after waiting overnight the red LED is still on. Sort of.
It's actually flickering a bit. Just a little, barely noticeably. I opened the case just now and fiddled with the headset. Now the light is on solid red.
Lesson 1: If the little red LED on the Samsung WEP 200 headset is flickering, it's not going to charge in two hours. It's not even going to charge overnight. Fiddle with it until it doesn't flicker.
More later, as events transpire...
Once the LED turns blue.
My Articles on the Sciphone G2:
- Sciphone G2 First Impressions
- Sciphone G2 Phone Use
- Web Browsing on the G2 Cell Phone
- The G2 Cell Phone's Camera
- Wireless on the G2 Cell Phone
- A New Sciphone G2
- Sciphone G2 Headset
- Bluetooth Headset for Sciphone G2, 1st Lesson
- Bluetooth Headset for Sciphone G2, 2nd Lesson
- Sciphone G2 Tips
- Face Off: Nokia E63 vs. Sciphone G2